Lashline After Care


BLOT your lashline every 30 minutes for the next 2 hours. It’s normal to see a little pinkish/brownish on the wipe.

Apply a TINY amount of healing balm every 60 minutes (every other time you blot). Don’t let the tattooed area get dry, however often you need to reapply to keep the area hydrated continuously for the rest of the day.

Do your best to sleep on your back for the next week. Change out your pillow case.


Always wash hands before touching the tattooed area…

AM: Wash with artist provided cleanser. Rinse. Pat Dry with paper towel or lint-free gauze pad. Followed by a RICE SIZED amount of the provided healing balm. When cleansing, wash & rinse with COOL water and always do it OUTSIDE the shower.

Apply healing balm as often as you need to keep them hydrated continuously at all times, but don’t apply too much at a time. Always apply a VERY thin layer.

PM: wash with cleanser provided by artist. Rinse. Pat Dry. Healing balm. Go to bed....

Things to avoid during healing

First Seven Days

Do not pick, scratch or peel the healing area

Do not apply any make-up or products on or within 1” of area

You may use mascara ONLY on the tips after 5 days and it MUST be a brand new tube. After 10 days, you can wear mascara as usual.

Avoid sleeping on the face

Avoid direct sun exposure

Avoid working out to prevent sweating

Avoid water on area during shower for at least 7-10 days or until healed

Avoid facial massage,facial steaming, sauna, hot tubs, long hot showers, long hot baths, ANYTHING that can make you sweat

In The Next 30 Days

* Avoid sunbathing, solarium, light therapies, chemical peelings, fruit acids, microdermabrasion, and creams that contain regeneration factors.

Always avoid laser treatments over the treated area (Fraxel Laser, IPL), because they can destroy the pigment and cause burns.

Use of antibiotics and hormonal therapy can lead to faster pigment fading

Healing process

Day 1 Dark and swollen

Day 2-4 Extra dark no longer swollen

Day 4-6 flaking/peeling. Following proper aftercare on day one will prevent scabbing. Do not pick or pull at flaking

After flaking phase is a “light phase” because top layer of skin is healed but bottom layers are not yet

Day 30-35 fully healed

It is normal for them to look too light after fully healed from initial appt. We will perfect them at your Touchup!