Lashline Enhancement Precare

It is VERY IMPORTANT to refrain from all alcohol, aspirin, or aspirin products and any medication that would thin your blood.

Please refrain from Ibuprofen and Aleve for 24 HOURS PRIOR to your appointment. The only product for aches and pains that will not make you bleed excessively is Tylenol.

Please refrain from tanning your face (tanning beds or the sun) for 2 weeks prior to the treatment. If you MUST tan, be sure to wear tanning goggles, turn off face tanners (in tanning beds) AND put a towel over your face. A towel only filters out about 30% of the rays. Tanning before the treatment can cause the skin to bleed excessively, which causes poor color retention.

Also refrain from Vitamin D and fish oil for SEVEN DAYS prior to your visit. All of these make you bleed excessively. Excessive bleeding during the procedure will negatively affect the longevity of your semi-permanent make up results. In some cases the treatment will need to be prematurely stopped.

If you use nicotine, please try your best to refrain from using it 24 hrs before your appt time. The longer you can go without, the better.

Please avoid energy drinks and coffee/caffeine or any other STIMULANT for 24 hours prior to your appointment. Not only does excessive caffeine increase your chances of bleeding excessively, not having caffeine in your system will help you relax much more easily, as well as help to relax the facial muscles in the areas we will be working on.

Eyelash extensions MUST BE REMOVED at least 48 hours before your appt. I CANNOT perform the service of you have lash extensions on.

Discontinue eyelash growth serums for at least 2 weeks prior to appointment.

If you wear contact lenses, Please REMOVE them before coming and wear your glasses. I CANNOT perform the service with contacts in.