Tattoo Lightening


Avoid all washing and contact with water for 48 hours following your session. Keep your brows dry as best as possible. ONLY touch your eyebrows with CLEAN fingers/items. A fresh pillow case is recommended.

After 48 you will clean the area twice a day with Dial GOLD Antibacterial soap OR Cetaphyl and water gently with your fingertips. Make bubbles on your fingers 1st and lightly dab (do not rub hard) brows with soap, rinse quickly but gently as you see fit.

You may begin using the aftercare ointment on day 3 (day 1 is the day you had your session). A thin layer 2x a day will suffice.

DO NOT wash your brows in the shower, do it before or wait 15-20 minutes after your shower to wash (if you normally wash your face in the shower).

DO NOT apply ANY other products to the area such as Vaseline, neosporin, sunscreen lotion, etc.

Do this twice a day for 7-10 days following your session.


Your brows will begin to “ooze” for the first few hours after our session. Scabbing will begin to form, this IS what we want. All scabbing MUST fall off naturally. Premature removal of scabbing will develop scar tissue. Treat your scab like it is your precious baby, it is doing all of the work from here out. Long scientific story short, alpha & beta hydroxy acid process and your scab are using osmosis to gently coax your pigment particles through the layers of skin and out into the scab. Your scab may turn very dark or even strange colors. Rest assured that is GOOD!

Most normal activities can be resumed immediately. I recommend that heavy exercise and/or sweat inducing activity be delayed for no less than ONE WEEK. Keep a towel nearby thereafter until fully healed (2 weeks). Sweat will damage the process the first week, you must be vigilant and avoid prolonged outdoor time as best as possible.

YOUR BROWS MUST STAY DRY when you are not washing them. Keep bath and shower times short and avoid direct shower spray on your eyebrows. Avoid excessive steam, saunas, baths. Recreational water activities where your brow area will become submerged or wet, such as swimming, should be completely avoided for 3 weeks.

Avoid ALL makeup and skin care products on the brow area the first 3 weeks (or until your scabbing has COMPLETELY fallen off on its own. Makeup creates a high risk for infection. After 2-3 weeks you may lightly pencil/powder if needed before your next session.

STAY OUT OF THE SUN, if you must be out wear a hat and sunscreen. Sunscreen your brows!!! (no SUN or sunscreen for at least the first 2 weeks. Your brows are healing with fresh new skin that can burn easily, avoid the sun and add any chemicals or products for a minimum of 2 weeks, ideally 4) do not put any sunscreen over any active scabbing.

You are walking around with an open wound and risk of infection is very real, please take care to avoid high risk areas such as gyms, hospitals, home care facilities, high public traffic areas. Wash your hands, sunglasses, reading glasses before touching your face! Please contact your doctor and me if any indication of infection arises.


- Judgement of your final results should be deferred until 8 weeks following your procedure.

This is a process, more sessions may be required to meet the desired results.

Non-compliance with proper aftercare is unacceptable & visible to the artist.

If you have not followed proper aftercare you will no longer be a candidate for PMU or Tattoo Lightening.

I will not move forward with your touch up session or any future sessions.

Refunds will not be issued.

Follow your aftercare given by your artist precisely, this is your face ♥